Wednesday, December 28, 2011


assalamulaikummm .... :)

fuhhh fuhhh fuhhhhhhhhh byk nyew sawang ahahahhahaa...berkurun xupdate bl0g..dah bersawang cam xde tuan ..insyaAllah will update later (ahahahaha "later" tuuu) alamat bersawang agi laaaa...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

hepi 1st wedding aniversarry n hepi belated bday yangggg....

hepi 1st wedding anniversary n hepi belated bday..
thanks for always being there for me..for showing me the way..
for being patient with me even when i made it difficult for you..
and for believing in us..
i love you..
i love all about you..
i love the most when you expressed your feeling to me..
i love the way you kissed me after solat..
i will always love you..
you gave new meaning to this empty world of mine..
you fills my heart..
you fills my soul with so much love..

thank you Allah.. for sending you as my HUSBAND...

Ya Allah, jadikanlah kami pasangan yg bahagia lagi dirahmatiMu selama-lamanya..
Kurniakanlah kami keberkatan hidup, kedamaian hati dan kerukunan rumah tangga..
Ya Allah, kurniakanlah kami zuriat keturunan yang soleh dan solehah..
Ya Allah, izinkanlah kami menikmati kebahagiaan ini sehingga satu saat yang Engkau 
tetapkan bagi kami tanpa sedikit pun duka yang terpalit diantara kami di hati kami..
Ya Allah Kau temukan lah kami semula di sana..di syurgaMU..aminnnnnnn

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

polka dot lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

order from inchik faiz utk kenduri kawen beliau..inti blueberry, strawberry...TQ :))...
menged0t spai lebam ahahahahaha

apam polka dot...

repeat order from hubby's fren..tq :))

cupcakes buttercream n fondant

0rder fr0m my xclassmate maziah..bertaun2 xjumpe since lps upsr kan kan eheheh berbelas taun gak laaaa..n we meet c0z of these cupcakes ehehehhe..tq lalim..

Saturday, May 28, 2011

COKLAT PRALINE - LOOSE ORDER (*min order=30pcs)
RM 0.60/pcs
- without color,without filling/inti@kosong
RM 0.80/pcs
- with color,without filling @ without color,with filling
RM 0.90/pcs
- with color,with filling
Filling/inti : strawberry, oren, yam, almond nut...dll mengikut permintaan anda

(a) Loose Order
RM 1.20/pcs -without color
RM 1.50/pcs -with color
(b)In Golden Case box-without color
RM 1.50-min order 20 to 400pcs
RM 1.40-401 pcs ke atas
(c)In Golden Case box-with color
RM 1.80-min order 20 to 400pcs
RM 1.70-401 pcs ke atas

(a) Special Lolly
RM 1.20/pcs-without color
RM 1.50/pcs-with color
(b)MiniLolly (Marble Rose) -RM 0.80/pcs

(a) RM 8.00 - in love box (8pcs)
(b) RM 9.00 - in star box (9pcs)

(a) Box of 4's - RM 5.50
(b) Box of 12's - RM 14.00
(c) Box of 24's - RM 28.00
(d) Box of 35's - RM 45.00